5 Steps To Manifest The Life you Want!
Manifesting has become very popular across social media platforms. How women in particular are using this phrase “manifesting your dreams” which then becomes true. I found this intriguing as I would love for my goals and dreams to come true but how exactly does the idea of manifestation lead to this?
The term manifest means “that something is apparent to the senses.” Spiritually, it’s “the public display of emotion or feeling; if something spiritual becomes real, it is said to be a manifestation.”
Thinking about this can be pretty deep; it is a belief that one can believe in themselves so much they can accomplish their dreams? This sounds pretty amazing but in order to really reach your dreams there is a process to get the most out of your manifestation. Below are 5 great steps to start taking to begin to truly achieve your biggest goals and dreams!
1. Getting A Journal
Writing is a great way of releasing your feelings. Getting a journal strictly dedicated to your manifestation process is essential. It’s something about putting pen to paper, we are able to continue to go back and read our thoughts therefore putting those moments back into our mind.
Writing, we get to experience our emotions again which will help allow us to fuel the passion we need to manifest our dreams. WHEN we reach our destinations, we can take a look back and see how far we’ve come.
I’m big on journaling; I love to write my thoughts down which works well at dissecting my feelings, my fears, my VISION.
2. Asking, Our we happy with our Lives?
This is an important question as our thoughts empower our perceptions of the world. If we are unhappy with our life, we’re unable to see clearly which brings a negative view of the world. The key then is to focus on what we would like to change in order to get the life we dream of.
I believe our first step focusing on our mental health which is vital because a better self will only lead to better outcomes. We then begin to develop significant skills for our dreams to manifest!
We’re now introducing ourselves to a mindset full of positive thoughts and emotions to get in a great position to allow new doors to open into our lives.
3. What are Our Lives like in a Perfect World?
This brings us into the next step to the process of manifesting our dreams. Continue to write down the answer to this question. We have to go into as much detail as possible and start to use our senses to obtain these desires.
What do we envision our lives looking like? How would we feel about being in this perfect world? This is important because it brings us back to the actual definition to manifest something.
We have to know clearly what we want out of life; imagining our best selves. It is here we are allowing those senses to guide our dreams to manifest!
4. What Are Our Fears?
It is important to recognize and understand our fears as this can be the reason why we can become stuck and complacent in our current lives, afraid of the unknown. What are some concerns we have that prohibit us from accomplishing our goals?
By continuing to write our thoughts down in our journal we are fully aware of our doubts, our worries and understand this is part of the process which then will fuel our passion to overcome these.
Sometimes we struggle with acknowledging our fears and continue concentrating on negative aspects in our lives we forget there are solutions to everything. We cannot have past failures in back of our mind as there are obstacles in every great story!
5. Focus!
We have to have tunnel vision! There is a similar idea that has many parallels to dreams manifesting called the Law of Attraction which is “the ability to attract into our lives what we are focusing on.”
Similar to manifestation our dreams, the Law of Attraction explains “our thoughts turn into things eventually”. This means based on our mindset, what we decide to center our attention to, will eventually become our viewpoint on life given good or bad.
We must think our way into the exact life we want. Thinking positively and living as though these dreams have already happened. Doing this will put us in the position to receive exactly what we want.
The Covid-19 effects has been so inspiring which is a great time to manifest our dreams. It gave us all the luxury of time we needed to really evaluate our lives. The world has always been so busy so when it stopped, we were left to figure out how we can turn this into a positive experience which for me has been very eye opening.
I wake up so refreshed with a clear mind just ready to find ways for more knowledge to get to my destination. I ask myself, “how can I better myself today? What small step can I do to manifest my dreams?”
Manifesting is great for your mental health. It forces you to start believing in yourself to build the passion you need to reach height you never imagined before and can do now with fresh eyes.
Believing in yourself allows you to see so many beautiful qualities about you. I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “If you don’t believe in yourself then who will?” Although very challenging, we have to want our dreams so badly and have enough passion to fuel them.
I find myself so motivated it almost feels overwhelming. My heart races, I get anxious sometimes, and I’m fearful sometimes and that’s ok, this is not uncommon. I however envision myself accomplishing so many things, I see myself doing so much and I have a plan on how to put myself in the position for my dreams to manifest by utilizing the steps above.
Take what I believe to be gems, and get yourself into a place of total positively, utilize all of your senses, and your dreams will manifest just as you imagined!

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