surviving first trimester
Blog,  Motherhood

11 Top Secrets for Surviving your First Trimester of Pregnancy (Shhh! 3 BONUS!)

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Many of you may still be in shock from reading that positive test! It may have been a struggle for some women and others instantly. Either way, congratulations you are expecting!

After two little ones of my own I am sharing 11 top secrets to help you survive your first trimester of pregnancy! Don’t worry mamas to be you’ll get through it!

1. Make Your First Appointment with Your Dr.

When you know for sure you’re pregnant, scheduling to see a your OBGYN should be one of the first things done. This will help find out how far along you are as well as getting the ball rolling on your journey through pregnancy!

There you can ask as many questions needed to start making you feel more comfortable during this transition. This is when it begins to kick in that there’s really a little baby in your belly and time to get through that first nerve-wracking first trimester!

2. Sleep is Your Best Friend!

Another secret to surviving your first trimester of pregnancy is Sleep! may not sound important but trust me it is lol. You’ll find yourself very tired at times. I always appreciated naps however now I find myself overly tired and have to incorporate at least an hour and a half in my schedule daily to feel rejuvenated and ready to tackle the rest of my day.

Your body is constantly working overtime to create another little being. It needs all the help it can get from you so get some rest Mama to Be! Sleep is your best friend and will definitely get you through to the finish line.

3. Keep your Baby Fed!

Eat whenever you can, wherever you can. Seriously, this will be easy as you are literally always hungry. Eating will keep your baby happy and limit the chances of upset stomachs. Now during the first trimester for some Mama’s this may be difficult due to nausea and I talk about that further in the post to try to help.

I remember surviving my first trimester; man I was overwhelmingly hungry to the point I would cry in frustration. Nothing satisfied me as well. Be strong. This little baby is hungry and needs a good head start that’ll soon be those chunky little rolls you’ll love to kiss.

4. Maintain a Balanced Diet

This is important because your baby will have you eating any and everything all day! Get some healthy meals and snacks that help you maintain a diet that’ll satisfy your hunger and allow you a peace of mind they are actually getting some healthy (and hearty) choices.

This helps a lot to stock up and when you have cravings, you’ll already have food on hand. I know you heard the saying “eating for two” well that’s really a myth; although you’ll be eating more food to support both you and baby, it’s important to remember to add as many healthy choices as well.

This Secret for surviving your first trimester will actually keep you on the right track to get through the remainder of your pregnancy.

5. Drink Drink Drink! Oh and… Drink some More!

Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. I made the mistake my first pregnancy and ended up almost passing out at church smh. I drank so much water this time around and I definitely saw a difference.

Yes I was the Pee Princess lol but it is worth it, you’re literally clearing your body of any toxins. Drinking a lot of water also helps your baby by increasing that amniotic fluid they are wiggling in. If you’re not too fond of water, try some flavors or even tea will work great.

No matter what, Mom and baby need to stay hydrated! This is a very important secret to surviving the first trimester.

6. Getting Through That Sensitive Smell

Man it’s crazy how your sense of smell heightens around this time. I would be laying on the couch and really could smell the bowl of spaghetti my son left on the dining room table 20 feet away lol.

There’s no real cure for this however your best bet is to keep food stored when finished and stock up on some candles or air fresheners that’ll keep you at bay. Don’t worry this will fade by your second trimester.

7. Stock up on a Few Nausea Remedies

Oh my! I believe this is most common in a lot of pregnancies and trying to get through the first trimester you feel like you’re literally starving however, everything around you makes you sick so you either can’t eat anything or if you do eat, you throw it back up making it harder for you to even try again.

Luckily for me I rarely threw up however there were so many times my stomach would be so upset I would literally have to force myself to eat something so I wouldn’t starve myself any my baby! My first pregnancy I tried some nausea candy that helped a bit but the biggest thing especially my second pregnancy was tea that had ginger in it!

I say definitely stock up on some. Also try different things that may work for you; there are a lot out there. But the main thing to take from this is nausea typically fades drastically after your first trimester. You’re almost there you got it Mama!

8. Managing Your Emotions

This one is important. Your body is going through so many changes and you may find yourself emotionally all over the place. One moment you’re in awe at the experience and the next you’re crying about how hungry you are yet, you don’t know what to eat.

I remember with my first child I found myself crying over how uncomfortable I was to being hysterical I couldn’t eat a cold deli sandwich from Subway lol. Trust me, I get it and it can become overwhelming. I suggest getting yourself a journal to write down your emotions.

Also try to write down some positive affirmations I promise that’ll help you get through and it’s amazing to go back and reread how you felt in that moment. Don’t worry too much, again your body is working overtime so take it easy on yourself and try to relax.

9. When You Have the Energy Be Productive!

During your first trimester, so much is changing throughout your body, at times it can be very hard to motivate yourself to complete certain tasks. Understand this is common and recognize those days you are feeling a little better.

It is these times try to become productive and knock those tasks out while you have the energy because that will quickly go away and you’re back to feeling exhausted lol. No matter what, even if you’re unable to knock specific tasks down, this is the time to realize anything you do get accomplished is a win.

10. Having a Strong Support System

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Honestly this is extremely important as it will greatly help you get through your first trimester which is commonly the roughest time of pregnancy. While my first born was brewing in my belly during the first trimester although I had I struggled with the support of his Dad, luckily, I had my family and friends to get me through.

Having a strong support system is so helpful during pregnancy as your emotions are everywhere and you need those positive affirmations and interactions to get you through. I also suggest taking part in a few facebook groups which helped me through my second pregnancy. There you can align with a bunch of mamas going through similar experiences like your own.

11. All Pregnancies are Different 

Although I gave a lot of advice, I know that my pregnancy may differ from yours and that’s perfectly fine! Try and figure out what works best for you in this moment and enjoy the process you’re going through. Not everyone gets to bear children so savor your journey Mama you’re creating life!

*Bonus: Finding the Right Prenatal Vitamins

When you have your first Dr’s appointment they will prescribe you some prenatal vitamins, however it is perfectly fine to go out and get your own. My first pregnancy I took a trip to the vitamin shoppe and grabbed a two-month supply of one my child’s Dad had recommended used for his first child.

This actually worked pretty well however during this pregnancy the prenatals I had were discontinued. I did a bunch or research and found the perfect ones and they are mini tablets! I also found it easier to take them at night as my gag reflexes were more relaxed at that time lol.

My second pregnancy I found some petite mini tablets that were way easier to swallow and they had bonus fruits and vegetables in them as well. I learned to take my prenatals before bed which helped with the feeling of spitting them back up later.

*Bonus: Don’t Stress Yourself!!

This is important! Remember you are growing another human being and that is honestly a superpower! Remain focused and take it easy on yourself. It is a journey creating life and your body will continue to go through many obstacles to produce a beautiful baby in the end. Try writing out your feelings and track your journey! This is great as you can revisit those emotions.

*Bonus: Pregnancy Apps

Having a pregnancy app you can monitor each day how much your little nugget has grown as well as engage with other women who are going through similar situations. There you’ll find a whole community of expecting moms and honestly it has helped me out so much! I currently use the pregnancy+ app which I love how you can customize your baby’s skin tone. It also allows you to touch different parts of the baby which then reacts how it would in the womb. Pregnancy apps are amazing and I strongly recommend. Do your research on a few you like.

I hope any of these 11 tips help you get through your first trimester! Just know, it gets better mama. Congrats again on your pregnancy and welcome to the world of motherhood! For a little background on my take on this, check out my post on being a Mama! I’m sure you’ll love it!

Born and raised on Pittsburgh’s Northside of town! I went to all public schools until I got accepted to the University of Pittsburgh main campus (Hail to Pitt!). I graduated with a dual degree in both Psychology and Sociology with a Sociological Thematic Cluster Certificate in Race, Gender and Sexuality. I worked in the mental health field for about 6 years, became a Mommy, and later left my career job to become an entrepreneur!

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