11 Best Decisions to Make in Your 20’s!
Us 90’s Babies, year 30 is quickly approaching and a lot of us are not ready! It’s crazy to realize that at 18 or even 25, I just knew I was grown lol but little did I know I had a long way to go. The decisions we make now in our 20’s will shape how the rest of our lives will look like.
A lot of us believe we need to have our lives all together before the age of 30; we need to have that perfect job, financially stable, married with our dream house surrounded by the white picket fence (I personally would like some nice trees and bushes lol).
We all have to take advantage of our 20’s and if we do these things, the rest of our lives will be a breeze!
Take a look at how you can take these 11 Best Decisions to Make in Your 20’s and be ready for what 30 has to offer you!
1. Learn as Much as You Can!
Many of us believe once we get that expensive piece of paper, we earned working hard for those 4 years of college, we should be set to live our best lives. Nope a lot of people are not even in the field they earned their degrees in.

The real goal is continuing to learn as much as you can; the world is changing, and you have to keep up. Get some books that interest you, take an online course and continue to take advantage of what life has to offer. Become a life-long learner.
2. Make Improvements Daily
This is important. There is always room for growth. Wake up every day with a positive attitude tackling ways to improve your life. This can be very simple for an example one day I may choose to listen to an informational podcast session rather than listen to my favorite R&B songs while cleaning.
There are so many different ways to improve we all are a working process so get creative and focus on becoming the best you!
3. Learn About Yourself
This is similar to finding yourself; figuring out who you are and what impact you want to have on the world. Take all the time you need on this one as it’s very important in how you view the world and live your life.
Learning yourself takes time and a lot of our experiences shape our narratives. Once you tackle this and start to learn who you are becoming, it is the most exhilarating feeling. I personally love this one and I continue to discover different things about myself and I fall in love with her every day.
Take a look at my post regarding manifesting the life you want which will help you get on track of finding yourself. This will help tremendously making it easy to do this step.
4. Uncover What You’re Good At
What are you good at doing? Dancing? Cooking? Take the time to figure out your niche and apply it to how you live your life. We’re all good at something we just have to dig deep down and find this out. This would be a good time to try new things that pique your curiosity.
When you do find the things you’re good at, continue to perfect your craft. I’m actually pretty good at a lot of things; I love to dance, cook, draw, the list goes on. It’s now that I’m actually able to continue to do these things and continue to get great at them. When you find what you’re good at and it makes you happy, trust me that’s a win win.
5. Manage Your Money Well
I think I did an ok job at this in my 20’s. During my college years I had a full-time job I maintained while keeping up with my studies. Because of this I was able to manage my 1-bedroom apartment, keep up with my car and had a little wiggle room for entertaining on the weekends. Now those school refund checks definitely helped!
During this time, I learned early to always take care of my bills first before doing anything for leisure. This helped me throughout the years and when I didn’t have those refunds to depend on, I was still able to maintain my household which I learned was a great decision I made in my 20’s early.
I’m now learning the world of investing which I’ll talk about in later posts but be sure to take care of your home, your health and learn money management.
6. Build Good Habits and Routines
This can include maybe getting up early to tackle those important tasks or starting to take care of your health. This is really important to start mastering in your 20’s as it will eventually become a part of your life. When you develop these habits now, you’ll realize you’re accomplishing a lot without even putting much thought into it.
There are a bunch of habit trackers out there to begin working on this. Amazon has a bunch to choose from. One that I’m currently working on is drinking lots of water daily and getting up early. I’m not a morning person at all so 5am is pushing it but maybe I can first start working toward 7am and gradually getting to what I’m most comfortable at.
Working on building good habits and routines are very beneficial and you’ll be thanking yourself when you’re conquering your 30’s.
7. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
This can be scary for a bunch of people, including me at one point. At times we are afraid of the unknown therefore we stay in areas that we know best that feels most comfortable. The issue about this is, if we never venture out and move towards our fears, we are not getting out of that bubble and enjoying what life has to offer us.
Conquering this we begin to take control of our own lives and by doing this, things that may have made us uncomfortable begin to change for the best.
8. It’s Ok to Meet New People
This is actually how I met my best friend from college lol. We were both trying out to be in a Fashion Show; I went up to her and said, “you’re really pretty, do you want to be friends?” and from then on, we’ve been tight! I think a lot of people especially women have this notion “No new friends” when in fact you can benefit greatly from those new relationships.

In college I had this girl go around telling people “oh watch because she going to try and be your friend.” What kind of nonsense is this? Honestly it is those females out there who end up having no friends at all with that mentality.
Allowing yourself to meet new people is a great decision to make in your 20’s which could turn into life-long friendships. So get out there and network and watch how your life and your relationships blossom!
9. Fail Fast and Early
Listen, I had to learn this and I’m super happy that I did. This means you are actually putting in the work and learning from your experiences. It can be very discouraging at first especially that first failure but trust me, you’ll have plenty of time to recover and adjust.
You’ll grow and become wiser why other’s may not have even taken the step forward in fear of failing. Take this as a lesson and get right back out there! Consistency will lead you to a life of success which will be the best decision you will have made.
10. Be Patient and Don’t Stress
Remember we’re still young and this is the time to enjoy our 20’s; we don’t need to stress ourselves by trying to have everything figured out; we still have so much life to live. Of course, there are going to be stressors, but the objective is to figure out how to think positively and continue on your journey.
Don’t worry too much about what others around you are doing or how fast they may be accomplishing their own goals because we all are on our own paths. Focus on your mission and appreciate the experience knowing you’re giving life your all!
11. Understand You Have Time
Many of us believe once we hit 30 it’s a wrap! What we really need to realize is our lives are just beginning. There are still so many obstacles we will face and goals we will continue to accomplish! Take these precious years as Life “is a marathon”, and this is the time to learn, believe in ourselves and take as much time as we need.
Honestly, I feel us 90’s babies will be forever young lol, I know I don’t feel old at all! We’re all trying to live the lives we were so preciously given. Enjoy it and understand you have time!

I hope these 11 decisions to make in your 20’s helps you as much as it helped me. There is no order to these ideas. We’re all trying to accomplish our goals and I’m sure you’ll get to where you want to be!